a detailed review here by lawyer-blogger Michael Han
Being a Christian is hard.
But could it be because we don't quite get what God wants to give us?
High energy, crisp and full of possibilities!
also available in Bahasa Indonesia
and how God shapes us into our true uniqueness in Him through the questions and pains...Watch for the New Edition with Small Group Sharing Guide coming out soon!
If you hunger to experience deep transformation in your life, and to see our world changed, dare to take this journey to the land of silence.
It's not as scary as it sounds.
Let me help you with this guide, using Scripture and stories from my own life.
Local print run is out.
Pls get it on online (Amazon etc)
This is the version online:
My first Children's Book
- with a special message of Love -
for all children!
and not to be outdone ....
co-written with my cat Chats
reflections on life and love
{out of print for now, until I find a sponsor!}
ebook version: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/mewsings/9200000077911107/
Further Information -
SKS Bookstore [Tel: 62279700 Email: enquiry@sksbooks.com]
Cru Resources [Tel: (65) 6589 9660]
Kinokuniya Liang Court [Tel: (65) 6337-1300]
Local Writers have it hard unless your name's initials are L-K-Y!
A publisher tells me that after less than a week, if a book does not quite 'move' it loses its shelf space!
So I am most appreciative for your support in the following ways:
1. Shop / Enquire at a local bookstore
Go to any bookstore and ask for my book {and other local books}. If they don't have it, request that they order it. They will then order it in and it will signal there is support for local authors, yay!
The following information will be very helpful when you request an order:
title | publisher
Shed Those Leaves | WordEditions Ltd
When God Shapes a w.i.f.e. | Armour Publishing
Simple Tips for Happy Kids | WriteEditions Ltd
Be Still And Know | Armour Publishing
2. Pray for me to grow in writing, have opportunities to talk about, display and network.
3. Buy the books directly from me, use the order link right at the top. This gives me the most financial benefit.
Online links:
1. When God Shapes a w.i..f.e.
Amazon Books