3 Apr 2014

Journey to the never dried-up Well #9

I have begun reading Isaiah to re-encounter Jesus who shall soon suffer, die and rise triumphant.

In my younger days, I dreaded to touch the pages of prophetic writ; all that fire, fierce anger, judgment... But now, I have lived longer and I see how accurate the words are.

The contrast in  -
judgment and mercy
anger and longing
desolation and life
destruction and perfection

Soul, it is easy to feel lost in our world of contrasts. It is easy to feel wedged between the hard places of our many burdens and our need for rest. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the sights, sounds and suggestions. It is easy to lose our way, to become alarmed, to be fearful.

Today, may this song - true to the Word, filled with images true to our world, and yet carried by a peaceable, anointed melody wash you over and may these closing words of the prophet bring you strength ~

"I will extend peace to her like a river..." {66v12} 

Be not afraid {click here for song}

31 Mar 2014

Journey #8

Water flows downwards, just like Grace.

But sometimes, the water curls around and it is forced to stop because it cannot find a downward path to keep going. God, the Source doesn't overpower us. Instead, the water flow begins to slow to a trickle...

And this isn't always out-and-out sin. At times it is a kind of sin of omission. We omit the power of Grace in our lives.

In John 8, the 'right and holy' gang drags a woman caught in sin before Jesus and expects him to condemn her - thus showing that he is somewhat in their camp, at least in such an obvious instance. The story tells us that Jesus astounded them with his very essence: Grace and Truth {John 1v14}. He does not condone sin, but he refuses to let it be the last word where there is a willingness to repent. In fact, the woman was so scared to death, we really don't have any indications of her true spiritual state except to deduce it from Jesus' words to her to "go now and leave your life of sin". He saw in her the possibility of conversion and transformation. The right and holy gang did not receive such words, for they have already skulked away - turning their backs on both truth and grace.

Sometimes, we stay in the dead corner of reviewing our mistakes, going over our mis-steps, flip that dusty file of our misjudgment and mismanagement.... We feel sure our mistakes are staring at us in the eyes of others; and we basically condemn ourselves. We stick our finger in the sand and scribble furiously away even as the Master steps up close to offer us truth, and grace.

This is when the Water cannot reach deep. We have decided we don't deserve more.

Pour out your soul to the LORD. Let your tears drain away all that chokes you up and let Living Water flow right into you again, and again, and again.

Let truth gird you like a belt and Grace garland you and draw attention to your beauty; you made in God's image, called to be His own, chosen before the world began, destined for Kingdom!

Pause / Selah / Drink {click to hear a wonderful song by Sherman Wong}

Bless you dear soul !

29 Mar 2014

Journey ... ..because of ... #7

Hey soul carrier, how are you doing on the journey?

I sensed some of us got waylaid. Some of us got distracted. Some of us had such a huge thing drop across our path, we despair of journeying on. Some of us were nearly kidnapped!

So here's a reminder to self and you: we have enemies, and we need traveling companions. {this is why I really hope we can start writing comments at the end of each post and just see how our souls get watched by others. It's also a good idea to invite someone to journey with you and follow the blog together}.

Now for my confession. I nearly gave up. Let me count the times. When i first began this and felt there was no way i could continue it. When I was in beijing and the internet connection was sensitive and I felt bad to let everyone down, and thought maybe it's best to disappear quietly..when this past week I was whacked by the enemy and his favourite whisper "you are not good enough to do this..".

But I am still here! God reminded me that I have enemies. When you wrote to me, I remember that I have companions for which this journey is meaningful.

God also taught me that traveling with a view to reach the Well can be sabotaged by a few things.

Any trip takes some planning, time and effort. If you embarked on this without at the same time, cutting out some stuff so that the time you need to trek this walk is available, you will feel depletion. It will be a disappointing experience; for it is unrealistic to reach the Well and drink when no enough time is given. Some of us {my heart goes out to you} need to walk very slowly for we carry alot on our backs....

Sometimes the journey gets noisy and it seems alot of others want to go the same way. The chatter, the passing around the instagram, the next inspiring pinterest picture can crowd us out. This journey needs a certain quiet, a space.

Good God will touch and refresh us and more ... but we can live in bondage. So we reach the Well, we drink, but we find that freedom eludes us. We cannot think, feel or act with loving courage. The will of God remains a frightful prospect. The bondage must be faced and dealt with.

So, dear soul carrier, let your body find rest enough to stay on the journey. Carve out time for this trek. If you sense weights around your ankles, pray for insight and ask those you deeply trust to pray for you. Share with us here, I will pray for you.