1 Oct 2013

Failure isn't final. Grace is.

Real, exaggerated, painful, fuzzy, cloudy, dragged-out…many circumstances can make us feel like we failed.

Life is too rich and layered for us to plot onto spreadsheets or subject to the see-saw of a cost-benefit analysis. Results and outcomes can be hard to measure; and the enemy loves to sidle up and whisper ‘what a let down’, ‘this is so disappointing’, or more directly, ‘you failed!’.

Whether we made a bad decision, or we feel at the mercy of difficult people and situations; a sense of having failed, being left in the cold by God, losing our way can crowd into our hearts and weigh it with heaviness. It can fog up our minds and even make us throw in the towel. Just give up!

Ask Peter.

Jesus even pre-empted his failure with a warning; but his quick words of denial turned around like a boomerang and knocked him over. The next time we read, he has gone back to fishing.

You and I have read this story countless times. Today though, I hear something more. I connected this failure with other failures. I thought of Moses losing his cool and losing his chance of going into the Promised Land. What a high price! I remember my daughter asking me as she read Genesis, “why did God put that tree there?”.  Yes, sometimes, it can feel like God has set us up to fail. Surely, the Almighty can help Peter bite his tongue and Moses cool over for once?

Why does God let us fail?

More importantly, what does God do when we fail? 

He rushes to us with Tenderness. {which also shows how he feels}

 Adam and Eve receive a garment God personally stitches together.
Moses is laid to rest by God’s own hand.
Peter is fed Jesus-baked fish on a shore.

God becomes personal, and He personally delivers us even as we feel the heaviness of our failure.

He clothes us
"and the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them"
He closes the chapter
"the LORD said to him, 'this is the land...and he buried him  in the valley.."
He commissions us afresh
"..feed my sheep.."

We think our gleaming trophies are what brings God glory. Success is the processed diet we have been fed that has left our immunity weak; making us vulnerable to lies and despair.

We must make changes to our diet, to ‘taste and see that the LORD is good’ – especially where we feel are failures. For our failures are never final. Grace is.

~ Grace flows downwards ~
jenni tweets

24 Sept 2013

those cute minions..

We've all seen them. These guys are in-season, so they are everywhere: wallpaper, cakes. lanterns...

i'm no movie person but when my children were watching Despicable Me, and laughing; i had to go join them.

Sometimes, my family thinks i'm too austere and hard on a little 'entertainment'. But it is also clear to them that I am the 'crank-up-the-fun-o-meter' in the home person. It's clear that I love fun, funny, happy. So yes, they're a little mystified.

When i was a teen, i wanted so much to be fun and funny, at one point i had a notebook where i collected jokes. Thankfully, i'm not very persevering back then....or it may be me doing Comedy night!

So fun has always coursed in my vessels.

But, i-am-careful, even a tad skeptical of  'entertainment'. Why? Because as far as I am informed; this world is not neutral ground. Every inch is value-laden. There is no moral high ground; there's just ground; the ground of our being -- and whatever our religious persuasions; there are lines we won't cross, and evil is real.

So, i am alert. Darkness seems to have a way of winning the day without anyone noticing it. It creeps into our consciousness, comforts and culture slowly and persistently until we wake up and the world seemed changed! When did divorce, pre-marital sex, gun ownership, terrorism become common-place? While we were snoozing. Like the waves that lap slowly and changes the shoreline.

Today, we have to deal with so much violence within, between and among us.

Since most of us feed upon a popular media diet; we must ask what has been on the menu?

Have we become more accepting of evil, violence, fragmentation?
Are we unable now to resist because we have not built the muscles that can swim against the tide?

So what's the deal with Despicable Me?  i found it laugh-out loud funny. The minions were so clueless and adorable. The movie's quite clear subtext is what i surfaced with the kids:
Why was he bad? -- "coz his mom ignored him; he's an angry person"
Do people become bad and then good? -- "in their actions they can choose"
Who is your fav character, why? -- "the lil kids! they were powerful, they changed his life"

There's good stuff to be mined. {cultivating a questioning spirit not a cynical one is what we're after}
#We all impact others.
#We should seek to be well so badness doesn't root in us.

Then we revisit the Great Story...and we tracked to this: God is not after us being kinda good people. God is after our heart, for everything flows from it.

But i linger on.. we laugh at the exaggerated number of weapons used to defend one's fort. We are drawn to the possibility of love and dreams when the orphaned gals enter the scene. We weep quietly to find the bad guy grew up rejected. Those are serious themes!
Do we see threat all around and find it hard to trust?
Do we consider that life may turn out very differently because of...children?
Do we have roots of rejection that we need to pluck up and clear out?

Sadly, in a way, the 'heroes' of our imagination are the cutesy minions; the clueless ones. They are the ones who make the merchandise, and sing the music! The minions are cute; but let's be careful we don't end up minions serving changes that will take us down further.

"If we're spiritual beings, then it is the spirit of things that get to us & linger on to shape us"

~ jenni tweets ~

Helpful review sites:

18 Sept 2013

I am woman, hear me ... pray!

For most of my life, I have not enjoyed being a woman. 

People tell you it's the weaker sex, the manipulative, vulnerable one that listened to the snake first.
Women close to me had a hard life, making ends meet...and every page of my life i turn, i meet more of such women; like an unending sequel: more women it seems sacrifice and are taken for granted. Doesn't feel fair.
Personally I have experienced rejection and been imposed limits because of my gender (they tell me so!).

this portrait is how most women appear to me: giving and and sustaining life, lonesome and powerless

Yet -

God said He basically makes two models: male and female (and i think our definitions of these require more depth). Anyway, I grew up with very few men I admired so I don't think I want to be a man. That decision was probably sealed by the time I was fifteen or so. But it would take me many more years to uncover what a woman is about, to accept myself as one, to welcome other women and be willing to speak to groups of women, to write for women..... - and I am still finding out more!

As a writer, my search for truth and authenticity develops into articles and books of course! Here's one:
Femme Max?!

One of the things I puzzled over is whether women have a spiritual life that is different from men's.
It is no secret that throughout history, women have always been more religious than men; even though men usually hold the 'professional office'.

This led me on a journey to read about great women of the church, the women in the Bible, and just to open my eyes and see my sisters all around me. I found so much pain yet so much amazing colour, strength, and beauty.

One of my favourite readings is Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle. It is a magnificent work on the prayer life of women. She was actually asked by her male superiors to write about her prayer life in order to instruct others. Something about her must really stand out! I must add I was drawn to her after hearing that she said to God once when she fell, "if this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!" Ha, what gumption!

As this journey continues; I am led to rethink this blog! I want to urge readers to live real and true. Yet i have created a section for women. It doesn't make sense. Everything i write about is filtered through my woman-self. Gender is a huge part of our identity and psyche (note i am not saying sexuality or sex).

So i am going to take out the women section and just write as me: woman - daughter, sister, wife, mother...God's lil' precocious gal !

Know that you are reading a woman. One serious about God, faith-life, just life, and being all she can be and helping others to desire and experience more of what it means To Really Live.

Let us pray:
God, in your wisdom, you shaped and formed me a woman. I have grown up in form; but let me also grow into my form. Let me grow in substance. Grant me grace to receive myself as a gift first; to see myself the way Truth sees me. Help me tear away and resist the labels and limits the world places on me. Alert me to my mortal enemies of sloth, fear and anger. Let me not be lazy to grow my talents. Let me not be afraid of failure, disapproval or rejection. Let me not stew in anger which constricts my being.
Let me hear your great word of affirmation, celebration. Let this song of your infinite love reverberate through my being and play on through my days until word and tone shape and define me, strong, true and beautiful. Amen.

Here's great stuff to read about women:

Lost Women ...of the Bible

Carolyn Custis James writes a nifty book about the identity and calling of women that goes beyond the standard stuff. She should know. As a good pastor's girl, she struggled when the usual stuff of life seem to pass her by: marriage and kids. What makes a woman then?

In this volume, she takes us through lesser and little talked about characters - from Mrs Noah to shady ones like Tamar. Even Hannah whom we know so well gets a fresh portraiture because Carolyn is a serious theologian. Her deft words and decisive scholarship brings these women to life and touches our hearts: there is a pain, darkness, and confusion we can readily recognise and feel for. 

Custis urges us to reach for the one power we all have in equal measure: the power to choose.

Enjoy and rediscover!

13 Aug 2013

Behold, your God!

"Isn't your God of your own making?" - the question doesn't always come from pugnacious Skeptics; very often, it is a genuine question surging through the layers of our intuition and consciousness.

So I sit and imagine what God of my design would be like:

- God would not use a masculine pronoun but be more embracing.. {but wait, the name God revealed is a set of consonants that put together sound like a breath: YHWH which is really neutral..}.

- God would make black and white clear and intervene so we never have to agonize over 'religious wars' from Crusades to terrorist acts. {but wait, all skeptics would hate how this will reduce intelligent speculation and discourse}

- God would at once punish all the evil and put a stop to darkness {but wait, in all honesty, I may be soot if it goes this way}.

- God will be perfect, beyond question {but wait, will I be good enough then?}.

I am pretty sure my version of God will not lower to Human levels; or live so much like us as to feel emotion, and experience hunger, grief, loneliness.....and then die at the hands of humans!

I want a God who vindicates, usurps the powerful and is free to break all rules because He made them.... Not one who suffers alongside by living like us; fully exposed to the verities of the human condition: poverty, class differences, gender divide, injustice, suspicion, betrayal, loneliness, death.

Yet this is the God the Bible presents me with.

An amazingly 'humble' God who doesn't dazzle and scare me into submission but invites me to enter a genuine relationship of acceptance, celebration, reverence and awe. A God I can love because as in the Cross I can see love in action.

"very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man
someone might possible dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" ~ Romans 5v7-8

Almost by instinct, the notion of God comes with the expectation of power, might, majesty, eternity. But we will never figure in humanity in the mix; for we know ourselves too well-- we are simply not God material. Even the Greeks had to admit limits to their God's, and all our superheroes are accidental or lab-produced.

A humanity validating, affirming and rescuing God I simply cannot conjure up myself.

But because of this God, I embrace Life and long to live it real and full, rich and free.

6 Aug 2013

How do we see it..?

final. Enough Series

To be able to say 'enough' is akin to being able to say 'It is well with my soul'
'I am content'
'I am blessed'

 And it is hard, so hard - until - I have a solid place to stand & can look at shifting sands without feeling unsteady. When we walk the trails and tread upon shallow riverbeds, inviting as they are; we look for solid footholds like rocks because the sands can shift.

and the weather can turn.

"the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundations on the rock" {matthew 7v25}

Living in a world that strives and cannot but pursue this posture; it takes heart and sinew to cry out 'enough!'. From the way our world runs, there is no end point, no destination, just a continual grind. More, more, more.

Saying 'enough' requires a rock-solid standpoint that makes one stop, enjoy the view, gasp at the grandeur of life, hear the music of joy - refusing to confuse that with the continual hum of 'more'; all that white noise in our air.

This, i realized requires we develop a way of seeing our world, and ourselves.

What is life about?
The Chinese stoically report on the inevtiable cycle: 生,老, 病, 死: birth-age-sickness-death.
Layer upon this our human penchant for pleasure and pain avoidance, we get a formula that is all about maximising gains and minimising losses; which shows up in how we use things, people, and more... In the end, this utilitarian appraoch that seeks to glean the most backfires upon us as it dehumanises us all and devalues Life.

Other worldviews are close cousins: accept your fate and chug along, do minimum harm (to self first, then others), don't create trouble and don't be a burden....

Who are we?
The way we see Life and our world touches a close nerve: how we see ourselves and others. Inevitably, we are trapped as human Do-ings instead of Human Be-ings. So the treadmill goes on and we run on... too tired to consider that another way may exist. We can get off and stand on the Rock.

"See..I lay in Zion a stone...a rock..and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" {romans 9v33}

Many years ago, I climbed clumsily upon this rock. As a little girl, i wanted to place to stand a little higher so i can see. a safe place than what i had.

Thirty years later, i stand in this spot still (though there were times i have gotten off it a little and explored around) and the rock has started to pour its solidity and strength into me. I used to battle with my mind and feelings about so many things I wanted: the shiny sports car, the hunk, the dream job, that splendid job... 

but as i stood upon that Rock, my view clarified and i see differently. 

I just noticed it:

My pay has never gone passed a certain mark (even new graduates would find laughable)
I carry the same handbag from 12 years ago (I have a few)

because - it is enough. The world is not for me to pillage for my selfish pleasure. it was for me to learn stewardship and discover grandeur, beauty, design, glory. My life is not about proving my worth or marking my place on terra firma  but about being the gift God made me to be for His world. All under-girded by Grace. So the one thing I want more of really, is more Grace.

1 Aug 2013

Sorry...but No, not this time.

no. 3: ENOUGH series

ENOUGH  to stuff. We know that. Buy only what you need. If something's been in your cupboard/larder/freezer  and hasn't seen the light of day/night, you really can give it away....

I found that to do any of these with resolve, i need to first SOLVE something: what do i really need to feel like a living, healthy, growing being?

Again, the Q is: 
what do i need to feel like a living, healthy, growing being?

Everyday, we are offered answers. It is the Q that sieves out the answers and helps us decide if we should bother with the information or not. 

If you are not a huge fan of that tropical fruit durian, you really couldn't care less to track down when they arrive in truckloads and where to buy the most succulent, fragrant (to some) and inexpensive ones.

This time, we need to say ENOUGH to answers offered to us.

At this season of your life, with all your grapple with (typical!) -- what brings you Life? What strengthens and keeps you healthy? What helps you grow as a person in wisdom, fortitude, faith?

I made a clear decision to stay home for my baby thirteen years ago. Many said it wasn't a good decision to pare down my flock from a few hundred to one. (I was a family church pastor). I wondered too about it. But my priority led me in that direction. My pastoral calling wasn't sacrificed - i just did much less of it; and was not on a church staff for a few years. Today, I am still a part-time staff. It is enough.

What began as a personal conviction had within it a larger Grace: God created space, time, and enough frustration (right moms?) for me to need much more of Him. It expanded my capacity and creativity to connect with God. 

No time to pray? There's the breastfeeding moment (when it goes well).
No time to study? There's her nap time.
No time to socialise? Too bad! {God gave this extrovert a special Grace here: it's called next door neighbours. i just made friends with all of them. But I welcome visitors and would take my girl with me anywhere}

I worshipped with children's songs and lullabies. Came alive with the colour, simplicity and sheer power of children's books. I prayed God would accept that what I was able to prepare for any sermon or sharing would not be the same as when I have hours to think, research and write. God said, "I'll take it!". Out of my mundane, seemingly small life, God brought out His riches and showcased His strength. Above all, to keep going, I needed God a lot. Mothering and making a home is a very dynamic journey and one cannot quite say, "Just learn these four steps". 

And so, over the years, God has led me and formed me --and now thirteen years on.... I have grown confident of God's kind leadership over my life. Things still go awry as they do. People still fail to understand, or affirm. Others hoist expectations on you. But I have to say enough.
this . is . enough .  for me. I am sorry i cannot live up to your demands. I am afraid i don't have those answers. I may even be wrong; but I prefer to live by my convictions for this season: 

i feel alive when i have lots of quiet times with God and help others do the same
i am healthy when i have a good balance of resting and giving. being forgiven and forgiving, when i exercise my body, tenderise my soul and keep vigilant watch over my spirit
i grow when i read extensively and do my itty bit for my community and nation, when i give to others & dream of ways to heal the world

To live by my convictions I need to say Enough to many other attractions and distractions. I certainly don't get it all right. But the convictions hem me in on those days i get jittery and anxiety creeps in; or i get bamboozled by demands. It's Psalm 16's 

"the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, surely I have a delightful inheritance"  all over.

Shalom. It is enough.

24 Jul 2013

We Have A Word For It !

Enough Series no. 2

I came across this word months back and printed it and put in on my wall: 
וּ׃דיֵנ   DAYAENU

It's the Hebrew word for 'enough'; 
which really today should be read "ENOUGH (already)!"

We have way too many :

things- each phone model churns out accessories we cannot even find landfills for
conveniences - to be convenient we need some intermediary like another page to bookmark
expectations - clue: unhappiness is proportionally related to what we feel we deserve
complaints (twin sister of expectations) - it's everywhere in the air
unmet needs - smart TV, that spa experience, that fulfilling job, the perfect parent, mate...

I was musing over the humble packet of tissue. It traces back to paper pulp and hence eventually to a tree somewhere. My mother used to carry a simple square handkerchief which also served as a purse at times. Today, the average woman's bag has a pouch for this, that, and wallet, purse, key holder, phone case... It's getting so that we need a bag organiser which makes it easy for us to simply plop everything in the many compartments; pull the whole thing out and put it in a whole new different bag for a whole new look (which is really less powerful than one's outlook).

The water and detergent needed to wash the humble hanky and then let generous Sun dry it surely will never equal the energy and raw materials used to create and replace all the many purses and pouches we have today.

Enough -- is said in practically all languages:






כמות מספקת, מידה מספקת




آن قدر

ما يكفي (arabic)

đủ (Vietnamese)

کافی (Turkish)

Tillräckligt (Swedish)


Digon o

Go leor






just that it isn't common use anymore.

That day weeks ago when i discovered the word, i heard an invitation to cease, to desist and to resist. Yet it wasn't like a huge battle or something. It's more like settling back in a chair after a decent meal and saying, "thank you very much, that was very adequate and satisfying", then breathing deep and even slouching a little in my chair, all content.

What do you need to say ENOUGH to?

14 Jul 2013

..tempter's target....in the USA

Enough Series no.1

There was a good amount to be done ... But even all wound up with grief, conversations, and decisions...there were gaps; which the Singaporean lot of us took as cue to go shopping.

This plus my tween daughter's struggle to find clothes her size and our budget. So off we went to Target, a cosy commoner one-stop shop. Previous experience tells me there will be good finds. It's like going to Makota in Malacca I guess.

Quick as a flash, my daughter picked out five pieces per our agreement for less than sixty dollars, mostly from the Clearance racks.

Then the challenge began: while some of what we wanted to get was legitimate; the attractive prices, array of options, quality of products (even the Made in China ones looked better in the USA),  quickly bumped us all confused between needs and wants. Two distinct moments arose: I stopped my younger brother to remind him to do a currency conversion, I stopped myself to talk with God. The word came easily enough as I stood at aisle 18 (?). 

"You simply don't need this". No qualifications. 

I could do with quite a bit...or ..okay, I could not. Indeed, I do not. 

It's easy; if I didn't see the stuff, I really would live on very fine. Wait, that's how temptation works, isn't it?  

Reach for it

I believe it happened in primordial times and everyday since.

We returned with same suitcases, more filled  --- but better yet, a heart more satisfied that I paused, listened and obeyed.

12 Jun 2013

Greener Pastures?

Initial Thoughts on Migration

I would love to live somewhere else: somewhere cooler, with vast lands, a more child-friendly educational system, less of a city.

so this is WHY they crossed the road -- greener pastures !?!
Many of us harbor such desires.

What does God think of us moving to ‘greener pastures’?

Most people who start planning usually go through these steps:
Research feasibility
Go if doors open

This seem a pretty reasonable approach once you can sever the pangs of guilt for leaving the motherland, kith and kin behind.

I am inclined to think that God is actually alright with us living anywhere in His great world. He loves his children to be free!

But the greatest freedom we have is the freedom to trust.

We have been freed from the grip of fear, the tyranny of the urgent, the choke-chains of marching to a common whip.

This freedom is tasted, renewed and relished only out of a reinstated relationship with our Maker.

In fact,  if in the end, having a growing, vital relationship with God that oozes life is what it’s all about; most of the difficulties we have are not about the landscape; but about our soulscape ! 

Why would we find it easier to trust God just because we changed our address?

Living out of this freedom, perhaps God wants us to add in a few more steps to our decision-making process:

Check heart for areas of struggle to trust
Check heart for areas of ungodly expectations
Ready heart to yield and rest
See if the need to move still surfaces
Ask for a sense of direction & purpose

So we turn our admission of loss, frustration and lack into a fresh adventure of trust! 

I highly suspect that God simply loves this: He being who He is, will lead, provide and prove Himself true. But alas, we being who we are, prefer He quickly endorses our plans! 

The former way works better always though, doesn't it?

note: this post is prompted by a common conversation thread among my peers; we with the struggling with-school-going kids.

30 May 2013

Single Shot or Double Expresso? To marry or not..

We all long for that wonderful fruit called HAPPINESS.

And there comes a time when that is all tied up with the Q: should I marry?

Today, this question is also asked with shades of 'why bother with marriage at all?'

I read a 'letter' by John Piper that gives a great and high view of both being single and married. Here it is:

" You ask: "What is at all compelling about marriage? Why would we even want to be married?"

The "compelling" comes only from the right combination of internal realities and objective truths about God's design for marriage. When the right combination is not there, marriage is not compelling and should not be. I would say the same thing about singleness.
The objective truths about marriage are primarily God's design:
1. To display his covenant keeping love between Christ and the church, 
2. To sanctify the couple with the peculiar pains and pleasures of marriage,
3. To beget and rear a generation of white-hot worshippers, and
4. And to channel good sexual desire into holy paths and transpose it into worshipful foretastes of heaven's pleasures.
That is a high calling, but it is only compelling if it meets with internal longings for God that lean strongly into these designs.
 The objective truths about singleness are also primarily God's design:
1.     To display the spiritual nature of God's family that grows from regeneration and faith, not procreation and sex,
2. To sanctify the single with the peculiar pains and pleasures of singleness,
3. To capture more of the single's life for non-domestic ministry that is so desperately needed in the world,
4. And to magnify the all-satisfying worth of Christ that sustains life-long chastity.
 That is a high calling, but it is only compelling if it meets with internal longings for God that lean strongly into these designs.
 There is more to marriage and singleness than I have mentioned. But the point is to show that neither I nor the Bible means to say that either is compelling in and of themselves. That is why Paul says, "One has one gift and one another" (1 Corinthians 7:7). I think he means: The internal reality of one person finds one of these powerfully compelling and the internal reality of another finds another powerfully compelling. And I would add: This can change from one season to another.
I don't know which holds out more joys and more hardships. There is no way to know ahead of time, it seems to me. We Christians don't make our choices that way anyway. This would be clear if all singles not only heard the wedding vows, "For better or for worse," but also heard the same words written over singleness: "For better or for worse." Marriage may prove to be gloriously happy, or painfully disappointing. Singleness may prove to be gloriously satisfying or painfully disappointing. Only God knows which it will be for you.

So in the end, your heart really matters. Objectively, we cannot know ahead of time whether marriage or singleness will sanctify us more or honor God more. Does the internal reality of our heart lean us into the designs of marriage or the designs of singleness? That is a huge question and one that only the heart can answer. But it should be a heart well-formed with much Bible and much prayer and much maturity through life and counsel of friends and family.

 That's my best effort. Thanks for caring about being devoted to Christ above all.
Pastor John

He has certainly taken us further down the road than the short-sighted 'will I be happy?' approach we are so familiar with. 

In the end, when we quieten down, we must admit happiness is a state deep within us than a state we find ourselves in. 

And here's a poster for those whose hearts lean towards union:

PS. if you have a poster about Singleness, please share it with us!

27 May 2013

Hope Again!

I recently had one of those moments.

Everything seemed bleak and too much. I felt stuck, trapped, foolish, and small. But I stepped away from myself.


I ran to the Royal Bosom of Hope - and the Word, and words... helped me see clearly, and although all is not as I wish, courage and hope arise within me... and as this well-written piece about Peter, Paul and all of us reminds us...

Don't Lose Hope for your hope points to Something Larger {click here}

Won't you run to the Royal Bosom of Hope too?

and cling, cling, cling... and... climb!

22 May 2013

I fly away....literally!

an account of a personal prayer retreat
Day 1
Leaving on a Thai jet plane
It began with taking flight. Sometimes we must take leave of all that is familiar, routine.. especially when it begins to weigh and direct us in uneasy ways. We feel weary, joy is leaking too fast... Or when we feel strongly about certain things and may need to discern what our emotions, thoughts and even our bodies are trying to signal to us. it is time to disengage for a bit and re-anchor, hear, return to Centre, rest.
As the Thai language was spoken over the public address; it dawned on me that some twenty years ago, I took my first airplane ride – into Thailand on a Thai airways flight… I was seventeen on my way to the mountains of North Thailand. Then, I was young, eager and full of all my fears but yet confident I was shaping up to be a top-flight missionary. The team affirmed me and voted me “most likely missionary”. I guess this means that my self-assessment wasn’t too way off?
This time, I sit next to a busy executive who tells me the familiar story: work a few more years to save up then quit and do something more altruistic.
The second flight i sat next to an age-spot covered pot-bellied man who made my seat feel even smaller…
Pretty Woman
The retreat centre was so familiar the lady behind the counter went through it like routine. A taxi came up and a woman driver with a pretty smile and fresh perms helped me with my bag. I ask about children, then greeted her ‘happy mother’s day’. She speaks warily of a tomboy 30yr old daughter. Before I leave, I tell her I have come to pray and ask that she too seek God and pray for her daughter to find God’s love so she can love herself. I give her more than the expected fare and she smiles even wider.
The father
Fr Townsend appeared and helped me with my luggage. We walked to the Aruppe building and clamber up some narrow stairs, my left knee acting up a little. After a brief introduction to my room, he grinned and said, 'gentle down'. What kind words to a world weary traveler!
First Eucharist (communion)
It’s my first time sharing communion with my Catholic brethren. The old priest tall, with sandals that looked too small, came in his White robe. He seemed austere at first, but once he started speaking, there was a liveliness and authenticity that I simply had to smile and nod in eager response to. Some parts, he sounded like he used French; his European accent still thick and it became unclear when the words were read off the black book with its two bookmark laces that he kept fingering.
A young lady seated at far right began to sob. The lady next to me began to dig about in her pockets. I decided I would risk any incursion; and got up to get some tissue from my bag for her. The priest did not intervene and was not interrupted.
I began to talk with the Lord. I had traveled some eight hours and now about to embark on a necessary inward journey. "Lord, feed me" was my simple request. As the priest began to consecrate the bread, tears came to me. I felt a sadness. The it lifted. We ate the wafer after dipping it in the wine. For the first time I saw a priest munch on his larger wafer; then empty and dry the wine cup! Such aplomp – we Protestants have to drink our leftovers in the pantry!
After dinner, I retired to my room. The temperature upon arrival was 36 deg Celsius! I prayed earnestly for that to change!
After some tossing, I realized that I would have to use my back support cushion for a pillow and hugged the room pillow. Clearly missing my bolster here! (and no I am not referring to the human variety).
Day 2
First Light
It can be hard to rest easy when one is concerned about oversleeping! I must make the most of the early morning cool and then see Fr Townsend at 9am. Turns out it’s a pointless anxiety; because when i got up and looked: 545am.
Since breakfast is served at 7, and this is probably the coolest time of day or night, i got up. Without any clear agenda, everything can move unhurried. I put on the lightest tee I brought, considered my possible movements and packed my bag with Bible, journal, water bottle and my hand phone. I will need to find out if they may have an adaptor for me to charge it with. The hundred meter walk to the dining room was delightfully filled with bird aerobatics, squirrel playfulness, and cool morning air. I even spotted a cat!
The dining room was dark but simple bread with jams and butter were laid out. I smiled at the young girl who had walked in. The I saw the clock: 630am. Yikes! I had forgotten about the time difference again! I ate quietly all by myself then set out to wander the grounds. After wiping off leaves and dust, I found a comfy chair just my height made out of a tree stump. But the tropical insects were a little too friendly for me; so I moved to a building where I could fend them off- but alas the fan was a noisy clacking machine! I moved on again to the largest chapel of all. It was a big cavernous space with three columns of pews, a little organ right at the back near the entrance. The side walls had woodcuts of the stations of Christ. I sat toward the right after turning on a fan, suddenly aware that I have not longed for God, and I felt weary. The stained window had the deer from Psalm 42.
As I turned around to face the front, I noticed it: the Jesus on the crucifix right in the front affixed to the stain glass was flying off the cross! Not the usual arms pinned agony, but a triumphant, lively, leaping off figure with hands spread eagle and fingers splayed- I notice I was nervous he may actually come right down next to me. I also longed to touch those fingers, to hold, or rather be held by those hands. I lifted my arms for a brief moment, letting them meet his.
The labyrinth* lies just beyond this chapel. I have had mixed feelings about it: i fear being ahead, different, further misunderstood...But then, I am here by Your invitation, and it is for this that I have come! LORD, simply lead me.

God did.


Unhurried steps

A retreat affords us to really slow down for there is no one waiting to see us or demand things of us. The simple meals are prepared, the places tidied and even the laundry is done. All of a person's basic needs are attended to; an especially welcome break for mothers. All that is left is to move about without haste; taste the air, feel the breeze and breathe deeper.

Walking out to meet my director for an introduction session, i became aware of questions...bubbling to the surface. They filed orderly past my mind's screen. When I did later get a chance to try to recollect them, only two questions remained; and not with quite the same nuance. I turned this over to the Lord, certain He will guide me. After I tried to pin those disappearing bubbles of questions down, I sensed there were other concerns.
Later on, even though it was nearly midday, I felt it was time to walk the labyrinth. Funny how I had used this word 'labyrinth' years earlier to describe how lost I felt. I prepared myself at the threshold with a simple prayer for God to lead me and began walking. Again, I was aware of a certain distance, a lack of intimacy with the Lord. But thankfully, I did not turn all inward, absorbed with myself. I walked slowly feeling the crunch of the fine peebles, sometimes pausing to look at a leaf, and picked up a twig. It felt good to hold. It's easy to get impatient and think to jump the mere foot-high hedges to speed things along, I realised.
Soon, I began thanking God for the different periods of my life, beginning with my parents…
The greater drongo swooped dangerously close and then  stood on the branch of the large flame of the forest. I talked with it for a while, then noticed a cheeky little squirrel had come to join in the fun. Psalm 104 as sung by Amy Grant came to me...and then I heard: "you are my precious possession".  My heart was steadied. A bright orange and white butterfly seem to tease and play with me, flying ahead of me for several feet before disappearing into the main hedge.
Walking on, different prayers and songs emerged effortlessly...  as I finished, I asked the Lord, what He would have me do; especially in my church.
It got hot so i retreated to my room to freshen up and sit under the fan. I decide to continue reading the Way of Agape that I had brought along. The chapter I read was unequivocal: the simple, powerful word that remains the unchanging bedrock of what it means to love God: obedience.
More songs found their way out from within including a Chinese one that began 袮深深爱我, 我 也爱袮, 耶稣, 袮就在这里 (ni shen shen ai wo, wo ye ai ni, yesu ni jiu zai zhe li)...
Day 3
I was seeing my Fr David at 9, so I decided on a leisurely start, waking up, doing my stretches and taking a slowest walk I can mange to the dining hall. Even yesterday, my mind kept trying to plan what to say so I had to push those nervous thoughts away. The conversation wasn't to prove any point. He will never know the details of my struggles or questions; his role was to listen and suggest ways I can sharpen my discernment. The discoveries and decisions are all mine to make- the Spirit of truth leading me.
My quiet breakfast of an overlooked sunny side up with toast and milo was noisily interrupted by sounds of - believe me- construction ! Bane of the Singaporean! Well, I had seen early signs of it when I arrived. Thankfully, the noise would not be heard very far at all.
The conversation didn't seem too welcome at first, for I felt I had barely elucidated my plight. Perhaps my tears clouded things somewhat. But I listenend, and I heard affirmations really: things to consider; which I have. He referred to the storm Jesus calmed and it was one od the etxts i read in the morning which later arose within as a song with the line: "even while the storm waves beat, I rise and stand upon my feet for i have found that beneath me is soild ground".
 The reminder to discern spirits in particular was instructive; and yes, the talk returned me to God's sovereign watch-care and my responsibility to choose gratitude, love and kingdom - whatever the circumstances.
I return to the labyrinth. The greater drongo bird came by (again!), and then the talkative one-eye cat. It was a walk in sweetness, and i received a promise of being a fruitful vine. A plant i had not seen at all yesterday greeted me from the foot of the rock in the centre - so life springs from the Rock of my salvation!
Later I would find two gems in the library: Anthony Mello's The Way of Love, and Joan Chittister's Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope. (just had to visit the library!)
My inward journey is nearly over, and I find my heart and thougts begin to remember individuals and their needs-- but mine is to lift them before the Lord and not solve or fix them.
God has surrounded me with Himself; sweetness follows me; and I was indeed led -- one memory, thought, confession, sin, truth, and possibility, to the next. I can write a book on decision-making now! Gently, my shepherd helped me see but yet would not let me sink into questions, regret and despair. Indeed, the final note is Hope which is not about specific outcomes but about being held, led and loved by Him without fail. Things may change as I walk in loving obedience, or they may not. What matters is I have changed from fear to courage, from needing answers to offering answers, from attachment to detachment, from longing and loss to freedom and love; LORD help me keep clinging to You, my Life-Source, the Vine!
 *the labyrinth is a ancient garden path that the church adopted to allow for a slow reflective walk. The most famous one is probably the one painted on the grounds of the Chartres Cathedral, France: